AI - Friend or Foe?

At SNH, we're passionate about the vast possibilities that AI brings to the table.

We firmly believe that AI is poised to revolutionise productivity, empowering individuals to reach their fullest potential. How? By helping us conquer the mundane and strenuous tasks that bog us down in our daily lives.

Imagine this:
"Becoming everything you're capable of might, in part, involve 'un-becoming' what's holding you back."

Gabriella Vodel, Snr Director Analyst at Gartner, comments, "AI is not just technology. It's also not just a business trend. It’s actually a profound shift in the way in which humans and machines will interact. We're moving from what machines can be for us to what machines can BE for us. Machines are evolving from being our tools to being our team-mates! Generative AI is a massively disruptive force which poses both opportunities and threats to nearly every organisation."

We believe that with AI as our ally and team-mate we are poised to supercharge our productivity and unlock new levels in our personal and professional growth.

Our unique strengths and weaknesses are part of what makes us who we are, and our preferences for tools are as subjective as our individuality. Fortunately, we're living in a time like no other, where AI stands ready to grant us the gift of time and space to nurture those strengths.

Gartner's research suggests that 75% of EMEA businesses focus on AI around productivity - with gains expected to range from 5% to 25%.

How are you working with AI to make productivity gains for you and your teams?

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